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The new ‘Horse Quotes’ app is now live!

If you believe that no hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle, then our ‘Horse Quotes’ app is for you! Browse our collection of horse quotes and gets lots of inspiration and updates for your facebook and twitter pages! The worst part of riding is when you dismount, Heaven is on the back of a horse and people come and go but horses leave hoof prints on your heart.

Also check out Ozzie’s video – straight from the horse’s mouth!!

This app is one of a range of equestrian apps published by Grey Horse Apps. Please visit for a full list of our apps.

The Cockney Alphabet – A is for ‘Orses! is now live for iPhone & iPad

The Cockney Alphabet – A is for ‘Orses! is now live for iPhone & iPad.

Enjoy this beautifully illustrated Cockney Alphabet by Malcolm Stirling. This app contains the 26 letters of the Alphabet with a humorous twist and gorgeous drawings! Did you know that A is actually for ‘Orses, Beef for Mutton and often you need to C for yourself? Also enjoy our interactive quiz and test your knowledge of the Cocknet Alphabet.

The Irish Culchie Exam has been launched!

Irish Culchie Exam

Test your ‘Irishness’ with this cutting edge technology from Grey Horse Apps. Whether you are a local, left the place years ago to go Stateside, or are currently sitting in Bondi beach avoiding the recession back home, this app is guaranteed to bring a smile to you face! Reminisce about Tayto, hurling, large bottles of minerals, red diesel, Guinness, the Journal, Ear to the Ground and Slappers!

5* review in the US app store

Our IHWT ‘Save a horse’ iPhone app just got a 5* review in the US app store. And it’s FREE to download!

Love, wise words and good friends

Our new iPad & iPhone app has just been published!! Looking for advice on love, wise words to inspire you, or an animals perspective on good friends? The little dog laughed brings you their collection of 30 beautiful humorous illustrations of mutts and moggies, with full descriptions and history of the artwork. From difficult times and puppy love to chocolate and shopping, you will find a range of mutt and moggie designs here to fall in love with.

Designed by: The Little Dog Laughed
Produced by: Grey Horse Apps

4* and 5* reviews on the Android Market.

Our riding exercises app just got a 5* review in the US app store!!

Our riding exercises app just got a 5* review!!

Hamish and Ozzie just got a 5* review as well!

Our new Physical Horse 3 app is just finished!

Our new Physical Horse 3 app is just finished! It includes:

Training terms and quotes – 10 definitions and illustrations, 7 inspiring horse training quotes and 2 fun quizzes.

Sequence of footfall – 6 illustrations of the sequence of footfall in walk, trot, canter and gallop and a quiz.

5 footfall exercises – Figuring out the front feet movement in walk from feel, influencing the front feet from feel in walk, walk to trot transitions and use of the correct diagonal from feel, hind feet footfall from feel and how to influence the hind feet.

Body language – A description of a horse who is tense and braced through his body, and also of a horse who is soft, comfortable and relaxed and how the body of a horse is directly linked to his state of mind. Also includes a short quiz.

Types of clip – 4 types of common horse clip with illustrations and a quiz.

Use of legs and reins – Instructions for the use of your legs and reins when riding and a short quiz to test your knowledge.

New ‘Bridge Foundations’ app is now live!

Our ‘Bridge Foundations’ app is now live on the app store :) Check it out on iTunes here.